From Concept to Global Impact: The Wiki Pioneers Who Changed Everything
Imagine having to go to the library or having to wait several days for that book to arrive every time one wanted information. It's hardly thinkable, right? We now have information at our fingertips because some visionaries pioneered the concept of wikipioneer . They've made us share information that would otherwise have been inaccessible, making research a simple keystroke away. Let's take a closer look at how these visionaries expanded on their concept to make it a worldwide phenomenon and how their innovations have affected many aspects of our lives—starting with the distribution of books. The Birth of a Revolutionary Idea This is a story of the wiki revolution. The whole idea began in 1995 when Ward Cunningham started Wiki Web. "Wiki" is clearly a shortcut from the Hawaiian word meaning "fast", by which, as it's clear, Cunningham intended to convey that one could work with information quickly. Contrasted against wikis, information access, an...